Enjoy the moments. All of the moments.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm really going to try to give this blog thing a try. At the moment, my life consists of working, taking piano lessons, and hanging out with my husband Bryan. We are the proud parents of two cats, Lando and Padme. Yesterday we bought new furniture...a sofa, love seat, coffee table, and 2 end tables. That's exciting for us. I will post pictures of our new living room set up after I finish getting some things for decorating. I love having a house and decorate. :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summing it up

I've been home from my mission for just under two months now. In that time I've visited family in New Mexico and Utah and I am currently living with my dad in California. I've had jury duty. I've been to Disneyland. I'm currently looking for a job. And I have a great boyfriend, Bryan. I still miss my mission though. I'm almost done crocheting a lap blanket I made for a lady I taught in Virginia, Beata. I started it for her when she was in the hospital but she died of cancer before I could finish it. I'm going to finish it and mail it to my companion who is still out there. I'm trying to find a job and find myself kind of bored with not working. I'm used to always having something to do, somewhere to be! However, as I am sick right now I am very glad to not be working or going to school at the moment. I got to talk to Loni, one of my best friends, for over an hour today and I talked to another best friend, Katie, for just as long a couple days ago. I missed getting to do that on my mission. The three of us can talk forever it seems like. I am grateful for the blessings in my life of the Gospel, my friends, my family. I love life! I am excited to see what Heavenly Father has in store for me.